Izpovedovanje vere in drugih opredelitev v zasebnem in javnem življenju je svobodno.
Nihče se ni dolžan opredeliti glede svojega verskega ali drugega prepričanja.
Starši imajo pravico, da v skladu s svojim prepričanjem zagotavljajo svojim otrokom versko in moralno vzgojo. Usmerjanje otrok glede verske in moralne vzgoje mora biti v skladu z otrokovo starostjo in zrelostjo ter z njegovo svobodo vesti, verske in druge opredelitve ali prepričanja.
Komentar člena
- Uvod (Človekove pravice in svoboščine)
- Komentar (Človekove pravice in svoboščine)
- Svoboda religije in svoboda vesti
- Opredelitev in razmerje do drugih ustavnih določb, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Področje varovanja, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Upravičenci, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Omejitve, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Dopustnost omejitev, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Odločitve ESČP, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Ustavnosodna presoja, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Pravica staršev, da vzgajajo svoje otroke in pravice otroka
- Opredelitev in razmerje do drugih ustavnih določb, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Področje varovanja, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Upravičenci, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Omejitve, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Dopustnost omejitev, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Odločitve ESČP, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Ustavnosodna presoja, Metoda Orehar Ivanc, 2002
- Svoboda vere in svoboda vesti
- Pravica staršev, da vzgajajo svoje otroke in pravice otroka
Literatura (2002/2011)
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Literatura k posameznim komentarjem (2002/2011)
Svoboda vere in svoboda vesti, 2011
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.
Pravica staršev, da vzgajajo svoje otroke in pravice otroka, 2011
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.
Področje varovanja in dopustnost omejitev
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.
Odločitve ESČP
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.
Ustavnosodna presoja
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.
Področje varovanja
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.
Odločitve ESČP
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.
Ustavnosodna presoja
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Engel 1996;
Novak, Verska ikonografija v javni instituciji, Meje svobode vesti v sodobni državi, ZZR, LIX, 1999, s. 249–271;
Shaw, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, s. 445–463, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Šinkovec, Svoboda vesti in laičnost države, Pravnik, 1–3/1996, s. 3–17;
Šturm (ur.), Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, Ljubljana 2000;
Wildhaber, Right to Education and Parental Rights, s. 531–551, v: Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993.
Dodatna literatura:
Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/rights/charter/docs/network_commentary_final%20_180706.pdf;
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Evans, Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2003;
Frenz, Handbuch Europarecht, Band 4: Europäische Grundrechte, Springer 2009;
Frowein/Peukert, Europaische Menschenrechtkonvention, 3. izd., Engel 2009;
Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Martínez-Torrón/Durham, Religion and the Secular State, General Report, XVIII. mednarodni kongres primerjalnega prava, Washington 2010;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006 (4. izdaja);
Tettinger et al., Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, Beck 2006;
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, 2007, dostopno na: http://www.osce.org/publications/odihr/2007/11/28314_993_en.pdf; Splošni komentar (General Comment) k 18. členu Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, 1966, dostopen na: http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/9a30112c27d1167cc12563ed004d8f15?Opendocument.