Protiustavno je vsakršno spodbujanje k narodni, rasni, verski ali drugi neenakopravnosti ter razpihovanje narodnega, rasnega, verskega ali drugega sovraštva in nestrpnosti.
Protiustavno je vsakršno spodbujanje k nasilju in vojni.
Komentar člena
- Uvod (Človekove pravice in svoboščine)
- Komentar (Človekove pravice in svoboščine)
- Opredelitev pravice in razmerje do drugih ustavnih pravic, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2019
- Obseg varovanja pravice, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2019
- Ustavno dopustne omejitve in tipične kršitve pravice, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2019
- Praksa US, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2019
- Zaključek, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2019
- Novejša praksa US, Katarina Vatovec, 2022
- Opredelitev in razmerje do drugih ustavnih določb, Klemen Jaklič, 2002
- Področje varovanja, Klemen Jaklič, 2002
- Upravičenci, Klemen Jaklič, 2002
- Omejitve, Klemen Jaklič, 2002
- Odločitve Komisije, Klemen Jaklič, 2002
- Ustavnosodna presoja, Klemen Jaklič, 2002
- Opredelitev in razmerje do drugih ustavnih določb, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Področje varovanja, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Upravičenci, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Omejitve, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Odločitve ESČP, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Ustavnosodna presoja, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
Literatura (2002/2011)
van Dijk/van Hoof (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer 1998;
Farber, The First Amendment, New York 1998;
Gunther/Sullivan, Constitutional Law, New York 1997;
Harris et al. (ed.), Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, London 1995;
Macdonald et al. (ed.), The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, Nijhoff 1993;
Michelman, Universities, Racist Speech and Democracy in America: An Essay for the ACLU, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties L. Rev. 339, 1992;
Scanlon, A Theory of Freedom of Expression, 1 Phil. & Pub. Aff., 1972;
Tribe, American Constitutional Law, New York 1988.
Literatura k posameznim komentarjem (2002/2011)
Opredelitev in razmerje do drugih ustavnih določb, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Harris et al., Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006;
Alston/Steiner, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals, OUP 2007;
Hare/Weinstein, Extreme Speech and Democracy, OUP 2009;
Keane, Attacking Hate Speech Under Article 17 of rhe European Convention on Human Rights, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights; vol. 25, afl. 4, s. 641–663.
Področje varovanja, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Harris et al., Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006;
Alston/Steiner, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals, OUP 2007;
Hare/Weinstein, Extreme Speech and Democracy, OUP 2009;
Keane, Attacking Hate Speech Under Article 17 of rhe European Convention on Human Rights, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights; vol. 25, afl. 4, s. 641–663.
Upravičenci, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Harris et al., Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006;
Alston/Steiner, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals, OUP 2007;
Hare/Weinstein, Extreme Speech and Democracy, OUP 2009;
Keane, Attacking Hate Speech Under Article 17 of rhe European Convention on Human Rights, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights; vol. 25, afl. 4, s. 641–663.
Omejitve, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Harris et al., Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006;
Alston/Steiner, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals, OUP 2007;
Hare/Weinstein, Extreme Speech and Democracy, OUP 2009;
Keane, Attacking Hate Speech Under Article 17 of rhe European Convention on Human Rights, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights; vol. 25, afl. 4, s. 641–663.
Odločitve ESČP, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Harris et al., Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006;
Alston/Steiner, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals, OUP 2007;
Hare/Weinstein, Extreme Speech and Democracy, OUP 2009;
Keane, Attacking Hate Speech Under Article 17 of rhe European Convention on Human Rights, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights; vol. 25, afl. 4, s. 641–663.
Ustavnosodna presoja, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
van Dijk et al. (ed.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, 4. izd., Intersentia, Antwerpen 2006;
Harris et al., Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2. izd., Oxford 2009;
Ovey et al., The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2006;
Alston/Steiner, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals, OUP 2007;
Hare/Weinstein, Extreme Speech and Democracy, OUP 2009;
Keane, Attacking Hate Speech Under Article 17 of rhe European Convention on Human Rights, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights; vol. 25, afl. 4, s. 641–663.