V mejah zakona je priznana pravica pribežališča tujim državljanom in osebam brez državljanstva, ki so preganjane zaradi zavzemanja za človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine.
Komentar člena
- Uvod (Človekove pravice in svoboščine)
- Komentar (Človekove pravice in svoboščine)
- Opredelitev, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Področje varovanja, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Upravičenci, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Omejitve, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Odločitev ESČP, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Judikati slovenskih sodišč, Jernej Letnar Černič, 2011
- Komentar, Boštjan Zalar, 2002
Literatura (2002/2011)
Boeles, Fair Immigration Proceedings in Europe, Nijhoff 1997;
Goodwin – Gill, The Margin of Interpretation: Different or Disparate?, International Journal of Refugee Law, 11, 1999, 4, s. 730–737;
Lambert, The European Court of Human Rights and the Right of Refugees and Other Persons in Need of Protection to Family Reunion, International Journal of Refugee Law, 11, 1999, 3, s. 427–450;
Mole, Nekateri pogledi na sedanji položaj beguncev s stališča Evropske konvencije o človekovih pravicah, Informacijsko dokumentacijski center Sveta Evrope pri NUK, Ljubljana 1999;
Recommendation No. R (99) 23 on family reunion for refugees and other persons in need of international protection, Committee of Ministers, 1999;
UNHCR, Submission to the European Court of Human Rights, Case of T.I. v. The United Kingdom, Appication No. 43844/98, Geneve, 4. 2. 2000;
B. Zalar, Ali je azil človekova pravica?, PP, 19/2000, Priloga, s. VI–XXVIII.
Literatura k posameznim komentarjem (2002/2011)
Opredelitev, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, (7th ed.), 2008;
Edwards, Human Security and the Rights of Refugees: Transcending Territorial and Disciplinary Borders, Michigan Journal of International Law; vol. 30, 3, 2009, s, 763–807;
Evans (ed), International Law (2nd ed.), 2006;
Jayawickrama, The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law (2002),
Marks/Clapham, International Human Rights Lexicon (2005).
Goodwin-Gill/McAdam, The Refugee in International Law (3rd ed.) 2007;
Hathaway, The Rights of Refugees under International Law, 2005.
Noll, Proof, evidentiary assessment and credibility in asylum procedures, Nijhoff 2005,
Noll, Why Refugees Still Matter: a Response to James Hathaway Melbourne Journal of International Law; vol. 8, 2, 2007 , s. 536–547;
Shaw, International Law, (6th ed.), 2008.
Odločitve US glej – http://www.us-rs.si/odlocitve/
Področje varovanja, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, (7th ed.), 2008;
Edwards, Human Security and the Rights of Refugees: Transcending Territorial and Disciplinary Borders, Michigan Journal of International Law; vol. 30, 3, 2009, s, 763–807;
Evans (ed), International Law (2nd ed.), 2006;
Jayawickrama, The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law (2002),
Marks/Clapham, International Human Rights Lexicon (2005).
Goodwin-Gill/McAdam, The Refugee in International Law (3rd ed.) 2007;
Hathaway, The Rights of Refugees under International Law, 2005.
Noll, Proof, evidentiary assessment and credibility in asylum procedures, Nijhoff 2005,
Noll, Why Refugees Still Matter: a Response to James Hathaway Melbourne Journal of International Law; vol. 8, 2, 2007 , s. 536–547;
Shaw, International Law, (6th ed.), 2008.
Odločitve US glej – http://www.us-rs.si/odlocitve/
Upravičenci, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, (7th ed.), 2008;
Edwards, Human Security and the Rights of Refugees: Transcending Territorial and Disciplinary Borders, Michigan Journal of International Law; vol. 30, 3, 2009, s, 763–807;
Evans (ed), International Law (2nd ed.), 2006;
Jayawickrama, The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law (2002),
Marks/Clapham, International Human Rights Lexicon (2005).
Goodwin-Gill/McAdam, The Refugee in International Law (3rd ed.) 2007;
Hathaway, The Rights of Refugees under International Law, 2005.
Noll, Proof, evidentiary assessment and credibility in asylum procedures, Nijhoff 2005,
Noll, Why Refugees Still Matter: a Response to James Hathaway Melbourne Journal of International Law; vol. 8, 2, 2007 , s. 536–547;
Shaw, International Law, (6th ed.), 2008.
Odločitve US glej – http://www.us-rs.si/odlocitve/
Omejitve, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, (7th ed.), 2008;
Edwards, Human Security and the Rights of Refugees: Transcending Territorial and Disciplinary Borders, Michigan Journal of International Law; vol. 30, 3, 2009, s, 763–807;
Evans (ed), International Law (2nd ed.), 2006;
Jayawickrama, The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law (2002),
Marks/Clapham, International Human Rights Lexicon (2005).
Goodwin-Gill/McAdam, The Refugee in International Law (3rd ed.) 2007;
Hathaway, The Rights of Refugees under International Law, 2005.
Noll, Proof, evidentiary assessment and credibility in asylum procedures, Nijhoff 2005,
Noll, Why Refugees Still Matter: a Response to James Hathaway Melbourne Journal of International Law; vol. 8, 2, 2007 , s. 536–547;
Shaw, International Law, (6th ed.), 2008.
Odločitve US glej – http://www.us-rs.si/odlocitve/
Odločitev ESČP, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, (7th ed.), 2008;
Edwards, Human Security and the Rights of Refugees: Transcending Territorial and Disciplinary Borders, Michigan Journal of International Law; vol. 30, 3, 2009, s, 763–807;
Evans (ed), International Law (2nd ed.), 2006;
Jayawickrama, The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law (2002),
Marks/Clapham, International Human Rights Lexicon (2005).
Goodwin-Gill/McAdam, The Refugee in International Law (3rd ed.) 2007;
Hathaway, The Rights of Refugees under International Law, 2005.
Noll, Proof, evidentiary assessment and credibility in asylum procedures, Nijhoff 2005,
Noll, Why Refugees Still Matter: a Response to James Hathaway Melbourne Journal of International Law; vol. 8, 2, 2007 , s. 536–547;
Shaw, International Law, (6th ed.), 2008.
Odločitve US glej – http://www.us-rs.si/odlocitve/
Judikati slovenskih sodišč, 2011
Dodatna literatura:
Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, (7th ed.), 2008;
Edwards, Human Security and the Rights of Refugees: Transcending Territorial and Disciplinary Borders, Michigan Journal of International Law; vol. 30, 3, 2009, s, 763–807;
Evans (ed), International Law (2nd ed.), 2006;
Jayawickrama, The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law (2002),
Marks/Clapham, International Human Rights Lexicon (2005).
Goodwin-Gill/McAdam, The Refugee in International Law (3rd ed.) 2007;
Hathaway, The Rights of Refugees under International Law, 2005.
Noll, Proof, evidentiary assessment and credibility in asylum procedures, Nijhoff 2005,
Noll, Why Refugees Still Matter: a Response to James Hathaway Melbourne Journal of International Law; vol. 8, 2, 2007 , s. 536–547;
Shaw, International Law, (6th ed.), 2008.
Odločitve US glej – http://www.us-rs.si/odlocitve/