Literatura (2002/2011)
Dodatna literatura:
Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, (7th ed.), 2008;
Edwards, Human Security and the Rights of Refugees: Transcending Territorial and Disciplinary Borders, Michigan Journal of International Law; vol. 30, 3, 2009, s, 763–807;
Evans (ed), International Law (2nd ed.), 2006;
Jayawickrama, The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law (2002),
Marks/Clapham, International Human Rights Lexicon (2005).
Goodwin-Gill/McAdam, The Refugee in International Law (3rd ed.) 2007;
Hathaway, The Rights of Refugees under International Law, 2005.
Noll, Proof, evidentiary assessment and credibility in asylum procedures, Nijhoff 2005,
Noll, Why Refugees Still Matter: a Response to James Hathaway Melbourne Journal of International Law; vol. 8, 2, 2007 , s. 536–547;
Shaw, International Law, (6th ed.), 2008.
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