Literatura (2002/2011)
Dodatna literatura:
American Bar Association – Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (ABA CEELI), Freedom of Information: A Concept Paper, Washington D.C. 2000;
Article 19, A Model Freedom of Information Law, London 2001;
Article 19, The Public’s Right to Know – Principles on Freedom of Information Legislation, London 1999;
Banisar, Freedom of Information Around the World – A Global Survey of Access to Government Information Laws, dostopen na: 2006;
Dienes et al., Newsgathering and the Law, Second Edition, USA 1999;
EU Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights, Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2006, dostopen na:;
Foerstel, Freedom of Information and the Right to Know – The Origins and Application of the Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut/London 1999;
Frowein/Peukert, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Kehl/Arlington 1996;
Harris/O’Boyle/Warbrick, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, London 1995;
Mendel, Freedom of Information: A Comparative Legal Survey (UNESCO), New Delhi 2003;
Nowak, U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – CCPR Commentary, Kehl 1993;
Pirc – Musar, Še o noveli ZDIJZ, PP 26, 2005;
Pličanič et al., Komentar Zakona o dostopu do informacij javnega značaja: s pravom EU in primerjalnopravno prakso, Ljubljana 2005;
Prepeluh, Dostop do informacij javnega značaja v evropskem pravu, s. 329–351 v: IX. Dnevi javnega prava, Portorož 2003;
Prepeluh, Kaj je informacija javnega značaja – Poskus pozitivne opredelitve, PP 8–9, 2004, s. VII–XII;
Prepeluh, Pravica dostopa do informacij javnega značaja, Ljubljana 2005;
Prepeluh, Pravica dostopa do informacij javnega značaja na podlagi EKČP, Revus 4, 2005, s. 115–126;
Sobotta, Transparenz in den Rechtsetzngsverfahren der Europäischen Union – Stand und Perspektiven des Gemeinschaftsrechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Grundrechtes auf Zugang zu Informationen, Baden-Baden 2001;
United States Department of Justice, Freedom of Information Act Guide, dostopen na: 2002;
van Dijk/van Hoof (ur.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, The Hague 1998;
Villiger, Handbuch der EMRK, Zürich 1999.